
Saturday, August 13, 2011

Leah is a month old!

I can't believe it's already been one month since my sweet daughter was born. Where the heck did the time go?

I'll be returning to work on August 24th. I will definitely miss my sweet girl. My current obsession is making sure I leave enough breast milk for her to eat while I'm gone. I'm nervous I'm going to fall behind. I'd really like to not supplement, though I know it's not the end of the world if that happens. My current plan is to pump before I go to work, pump twice at work, and pump once at night. Hopefully, that will give me enough. If not, I'll re-evaluate.

She's growing so fast! This week, she moved to size 1 diapers and is mainly in 0-3 clothes. A few of her newborn outfits fit, but not many. It makes me a little sad, honestly. However, I know it's a good thing that she's growing and gaining weight.

We took her to the drive-in twice this week. The first time, we saw Rise of the Planet of the Apes and Captain America, both great movies. She slept through both movies, waking up between them for a diaper change/feeding. In other words, couldn't have gone better. The second time, we saw Captain America again, as well as Cowboys and Aliens. She was a little fussier then, and cried a few times during the movies. Luckily, she calmed down fairly quickly.

And finally, some pictures of my little girl at one month old:

I'm also a huge fan of this one:

She does not look happy.

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